The Wood County Democratic Executive committee will meet via a hybrid meeting on Thursday January 2, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.
The “in person” part of the meeting will be conducted at the Parkersburg Marietta Building & Construction Trades Drug & Education office located at 2400 Garfield Ave. Parkersburg WV 26104. Remote access to the meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Our meeting is open to the public.
This notification will also serve notice that the committee will hold nominations and an election for any unfilled district member seats at the February 6, 2025, regular meeting of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee.
Below are the descriptions of each position and the procedure for nominations and elections:
SECRETARY: The Secretary must be a registered Democrat in WV who resides in WOOD COUNTY. The Secretary will be responsible for keeping all the records of the county committee, including committee reports; keeping and signing all minutes and other certified acts of the county committee; maintaining the official documents of the county committee, including standing rules and minutes; and referencing an official document of the county committee when called upon to do so during a meeting. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the Secretary shall call meetings to order and preside until the immediate election of a Chair pro tem.
All officer terms are for 4 years, ending on July 1, 2026, or earlier if their successors are elected before then.
Officers do not need to be a member of the county executive committee. Officers who are not also elected members of the county committee shall not have a vote.
The Wood County Democratic Executive Committee member vacancies for Executive Committee Districts as of January 2, 2025.
A-1 Male Precincts - 8, 64, 69
A-2 Female Precincts - 10, 13
A-7 Female Precincts - 37A, 40, 49A
A-8 Male Precincts - 40A, 41
B-4 Female and Male Precincts - 50, 51, 52
B-7 Female and Male Precincts - 38, 56, 57, 57A
C-3 Female Precincts - 63, 67A
C-4 Male Precincts - 71, 71U, 74, 74C
C-5 Female and Male Precincts - 74B, 74U, 78A
C-6 Female and Male Precincts - 75, 77, 78
C-8 Female and Male Precinct 85, 87, 89
Procedure for nominations for all offices:
Nominations will be made at the meeting by county executive committee members representing the geographical political subdivisions in their county. The person making the nomination will state the name of the person they nominate. Members can self-nominate. Nominations do not need to be seconded.
When nominations are closed, the person making the nomination will have two (2) minutes to speak in favor of their nomination.
All candidates will have three (3) minutes to speak.
Only members of the Wood County Democratic Executive Committee may vote. A roll call vote will be taken.
The person responsible for this meeting is Jeff Fox Chairman, Wood County Democratic Executive Committee. For Democrats who would like to participate, please email us at contact@wcwvdems.com or call 304-236-1100 for information on how to join the meeting.